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Thayer's Greek Lexicon



Strongin koodi


phusis foo'-sis


Sanan tausta


from 5453

subst. (fem.)

King James Version käännökset sanasta

AV-nature 10, natural 2596 2, kind 1, mankind 442 1


1) nature

1a) the nature of things, the force, laws, order of nature

1a) as opposed to what is monstrous, abnormal, perverse

1b) as opposed what has been produced by the art of man: the natural branches, i.e. branches by the operation of nature

1b) birth, physical origin

1c) a mode of feeling and acting which by long habit has become nature

1d) the sum of innate properties and powers by which one person differs from others, distinctive native peculiarities, natural characteristics: the natural strength, ferocity, and intractability of beasts

Valitun sanan sijamuoto

Part of Speech: Noun
Case: Accusative
Number: Singular
Gender: Feminine

Sana esiintyy Uudessa testamentissa (SBLGNT) 14 kertaa 11 jakeessa.
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