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Thayer's Greek Lexicon



Strongin koodi


hegemon hayg-em-ohn'


Sanan tausta


from 2233

subst. (mask.)

King James Version käännökset sanasta

AV-governor 19, ruler 2, prince 1


1) a leader of any kind, a guide, ruler, prefect, president, chief, general, commander, sovereign

1a) a "legatus Caesaris", an officer administering a province in the name and with the authority of the Roman emperor

1a1) the governor of a province

1b) a procurator, an officer who was attached to a proconsul or a proprietor and had charge of the imperial revenues

1b1) in causes relating to these revenues he administered justice. In the smaller provinces also, which were so to speak appendages of the greater, he discharged the functions of governor of the province; and such was the relation of the procurator of Judaea to the governor of Syria.

1c) first, leading, chief

1c) of a principal town as the capital of the region

Sana esiintyy Uudessa testamentissa (SBLGNT) 20 kertaa 19 jakeessa.
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