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Thayer's Greek Lexicon



Strongin koodi

Synonyms for Boaster, Proud, Insolent.

Sanan tausta


King James Version käännökset sanasta


See definition for αλαζων 213

See definition for υπερηφανος 5244

See definition for υβριστης 5197

αλαζων is properly a boaster, who tells great things

concerning his own prowess and achievements, with the implied idea

that many of his claims are false. This word naturally describes a

trait which manifests itself in contact with one's fellow men, not one

which exists simply within the heart.

υπερηφανος describes one who thinks too highly of himself,

describing a trait which is simply internal, not referring primarily

to external manifestation, although this is implied. It means one who

is proud, the external manifestation when it appears being in the

form of arrogance in dealing with others.

υπριστης describes one who delights in insolent wrong-doing

toward others, finds pleasure in such acts. Cruelty and lust are two

of the many forms which this quality assumes. These three words occur

together in Ro 1:30. They are never used in a good sense. They

may be said to move in a certain sense in an ascending scale of guilt,

designating respectively "the boastful in words, the proud and

overbearing in thoughts, the insolent and injurious in acts "
