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Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon



Strongin koodi


qara' kaw-raw'


Sanan tausta


a primitive root [rather identical with 07122 through the idea of accosting a person met]


King James Version käännökset sanasta

AV-call 528, cried 98, read 38, proclaim 36, named 7, guests 4, invited 3, gave 3, renowned 3, bidden 2, preach 2, misc 11


1) to call, call out, recite, read, cry out, proclaim

1a) (Qal)

1a1) to call, cry, utter a loud sound

1a2) to call unto, cry (for help), call (with name of God)

1a3) to proclaim

1a4) to read aloud, read (to oneself), read

1a5) to summon, invite, call for, call and commission, appoint, call and endow

1a6) to call, name, give name to, call by

1b) (Niphal)

1b1) to call oneself

1b2) to be called, be proclaimed, be read aloud, be summoned, be named

1c) (Pual) to be called, be named, be called out, be chosen

Sana esiintyy Vanhassa testamentissa (Biblia Hebraica) 739 kertaa 689 jakeessa.
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